Day 5 is a Day for Memories

This me in the pink, looking terrified. Fun fact: I made that shirt in first grade. I stamped pictures on it I created. I believe they were of Timon and Pumbaa...but looked nothing like that. Anyway, this is the first time I dared to ride Splash Mountain. I was so afraid for that drop at the end. My father was such a nice guy and sat in the very front so I wouldn't have to. Plus he was tall enough and I was short enough that he would protect me from most of the scary elements of that final drop. As you may have noticed, my father at the last second ducked. I was rushed with the incredible height, the sudden drop, and the great splash of water because of him! Scarred for life! And you know what else? You know why he ducked at the last second? Because he suddenly realized that he had a camcorder that he needed to protect from that onslaught of water! So instead of protecting his poor daughter, he leaned over to sheild that camcorder from the water. Thanks, Dad.
Check out how pro we are now though.
I don't know who those two guys are in front...but they need a lot more practice with their straight faces.
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- Day 6 has arrived
- Day 5 is a Day for Memories
- Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay 5
- 3 + 4 = Today's Post
- GHA!!!! ... ummm... day 3 AND 4
- Day 2.0
- Day 2
- Ditto...Only Danielle Style!
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- Dinosaurs: The Perfect Wedding Guests
- Speaking of zombies...again
- Speaking of Zombies
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