Wow... 30... It's Over

You should have seen that coming. I had to put one ridiculously horrible picture of the two of us on here! I wonder if our other roommates were concerned about us.... Anyway, Sara darling, we've had some many great times, have we not? In case you've forgotten, here's a few reminders...
-Hershey's Kissables
-Peach Rings (Mary Bricker....)
-The Worm
-Pointy Hips
-Desperate Signs to get Dates (He he)
-Walmart and Six Flags
We've laughed together, cried together, sung Disney songs together at 2 o'clock in the morning--all signs of true friendship I can assure you. I'm so glad we keep in touch. You're amazing. I know I've made fun of you for liking rocks, but secretly, they're kind of cool... I just can't go that much in depth... I studied English after all :) You should be grateful for that because if I didn't have moments like that story about Rafael. You know you're entertained by my works of fiction! When you're all done with school, let's hang out somewhere random. How's Mount Rushmore sound? I've never been, but it seems cool. Sound cool to you? Sara, please keep me up to date on your life always! I'll return the favor...but you may regret it. Ha ha! Thanks for being a super awesome roommate! Twice! And a half if you count that one time I slept on your floor....
This is the last day of our photo challenge, and Breanna lest you feel forgotten, here's a good memory :)
Thanks for being my friend, for being just as nerdy as I am (if not more so ha ha), reading and liking what I write, etc. Also, thanks for living in Colorado. I know you don't have a lot of control over that... But it will be nice to have a familiar face be one of the first things I see when I fly there in July. Stay awesome, my friend.
- 2015 (1)
- 2012 (11)
- December(2)
- November(4)
- October(9)
- September(10)
- August(12)
- July(6)
- June(4)
- May(6)
- A picture that amazes you
- Armadillo
- A picture of something you want desperately
- Crazy Random Happenstance of Pictures!
- A shirt you find awesome and therefore need
- Get freakin ready!!!!
- Inspirational story
- Freaky...
- Lets about a random/freaky picture you f...
- Sometimes I Take Pretty Good Pictures...I Think
- A picture to be proud of
- Wow... 30... It's Over
- Day 30, the final countdown
- 29 is Disgusted by 27's Rainbow Vomit
- 27 threw up 29...don't worry, 27 throws up rainbows
- I'm Afraid of 28
- 27 ate 29 and somehow became 28
- 27 Members of my Family?
- 27 dresses?...ooooor 27 hiking boots.
- If I Didn't Have 26...
- 26, Once more with feeling.
- 25 Seizes the Day
- 25, 5 more days left!
- 24 wishes to forget
- Woops...looks up I mixed up 24 and a previous one
- 22 and 23 Join Forces
- 23 is awesome
- Twentyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy2
- 21 Laughs at 20 Because Danielle Didn't Even Give ...
- 21...nothing witty to say today
- Breanna, quit stealing mine! Sigh. Okay. Somewhere...
- Adventurous 20
- Hello, 19. You're adorable.
- Cutesy 19
- 18 is Insecure
- I should have said 18 was ominous
- In Case You Haven't Figured Out That I Care A Lot ...
- The ominous 17
- 16, You Inspire Me
- Musical 16
- 15 Something Clever
- 15=Bucket List
- 14!
- 14, that's a good number.
- Return of the Sock Puppets
- He asked for a 13, but they drew a 31
- 13 is an unlucky number...good thing I'm not super...
- 12 Lords a Leaping...or Something
- 12 Loves you (he he...take that Danielle)
- Skype with Danielle
- 11 hates you
- Random post of Randomness
- Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay 11
- 1 + 0 = 10
- Day 10 is here
- Nine
- Day 9, a picture of the person who has gotten you ...
- 8 Makes Me Laugh
- Day 8 is really great...see what I did there? Huh?...
- Day 7... No one will notice it's late, right?
- And on the seventh day they rested...not...they po...
- March(13)
- February(2)
- January(4)
- 2010 (5)

Oh, I will :)
I have no doubt :)
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