Saturday, August 27, 2011

On the verge of an emotional breakdown

You know that point in life where you realize your education is getting nowhere and you have no clue what to do and where to go next? Yeah...that's where I am right now. I would really really love to go to film school but with how much it costs to get that kind of education (especially if I go to California for it) things aren't looking to bright and shiny happy.

The thing is, I feel like I have a lot of skills that would be in demand for a lot of different creative careers but without the right degrees and the right connections, it doesn't matter much. I am still holding out the hope that I will either publish soon or become a YouTube partner...or both.

Alrighty, enough Debbie downer stuff, I need some cheering up so lets watch something funny together. :)

On the verge of an emotional breakdown

You know that point in life where you realize your education is getting nowhere and you have no clue what to do and where to go next? Yeah...that's where I am right now. I would really really love to go to film school but with how much it costs to get that kind of education (especially if I go to California for it) things aren't looking to bright and shiny happy.

The thing is, I feel like I have a lot of skills that would be in demand for a lot of different creative careers but without the right degrees and the right connections, it doesn't matter much. I am still holding out the hope that I will either publish soon or become a YouTube partner...or both.

Alrighty, enough Debbie downer stuff, I need some cheering up so lets watch something funny together. :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Frustrations of Legend of Zelda

I don't think I've revealed it here yet, but I be a Legend of Zelda fan. I first got into playing the games with the release of Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64. I'm sure there's a fan out there cheering right now... Or they are too busy playing the 3DS version which has recently made an appearance. But I digress.

I found this video today that I found quite relatable considering all the times I've played through Ocarina of Time. Has anyone else found themselves going, "I know, Navi! I know! Will you just shut up and Z target on the thing I actually want you to target?! Stupid fairy..."

Well, apparently someone has. Hence the following video.

You know what else is random but still Legend of Zelda related? Zelda cakes! Check it!
Sunday, August 21, 2011


I hope you've all been enjoy our little zombie adventure. I know we have. Some one actually complimented me on my zombie skills the other day! I can now die with a sense of fulfillment... And then come back to eat your brains. Obviously, I have a knack for it.

Breanna and I have now been apart for some time now, which may be part of the reason you've seen a slight decline in our activity. Fear not young followers! We still are working on stuff. I was actually just playing through one today :) We recorded a few vocals for some things before I left, so hopefully Breanna's had time to work on those while I am involved in job searching (BUM BUM BUM!). If not, I suppose we can forgive her.

Recent shenanigans since I've been back in Washington include eating, hiking, socializing, way too much TV, and New Zealand Story (150 points if you know what New Zealand Story is). Oh and reading. How could I forget? I have officially begun the Hunger Games series. I'm in the second one now. So far so good. Way to get myself all prepped for the movie next year! That's not why I finally started reading it though. The first book has been on my shelf forever! I think what finally got me to read it was that fact that I kept hearing about it in Colorado and Breanna showed me this youtube video that I was kind of impressed with. I don't know if I can find it...

Wow. That was a lot easier to find than I was expecting. Here's the video but BE WARNED! If you haven't read the first book, this is a scene directly from that which may be spoiled for you. I think it's really well done.

If you watched it anyway, despite the fact that you haven't read it, go read it now. You have to, or you'll die in seven days or something like that. Why take a chance?
Friday, August 12, 2011

The Zombies are here!

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Zombies are coming!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

New video up!!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Today was a glorious day of filming awesomeness.

After starting the day with a good hearty breakfast, we began preparing ourselves for the zombie apocolypse. This included a bunch of makeup, fake blood, and torn shirts. Oh! And it required some work on my hair... I dedicate that look to Bellatrix Lestrange.

This was all for our new music video premiering shortly for "Eating Your Brain." If you haven't heard the song yet, you should really fix that. Listen to it by clicking on the playlist on the right side of this page or visit our music page! Watch the video below for a little behind the scenes/sneak peek.

Now we've just to wait on Breanna to finish editing the video. Go on facebook and send her obnoxious messages continuously until she finishes. Just don't tell her I told you to do that.

I'm really excited to see how it turns out. It was a lot of fun to make, and I hope you guys enjoy it. More creative adventures to follow! Peace out!
Thursday, August 4, 2011


I done caught myself a magical quill and got me an early registration for Pottermore! Just thought I'd shout it out for the world to know. :)

Better Be.....HUFFLEPUFF!

Well what do you know...

Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?

Breanna and I are in the same house! Figures. Ravenclaw was the next up for me as well. Then Gryffindor and Slytherin. I should have know to answer that I'd punch that guy in the face. Ha ha.

The Sorting Hat has spoken

You know, way back when there were tons and tons of "sorting hat" quizzes floating around, I took every single one. Once, maybe twice, I got Gryffindor and the rare Ravenclaw, but for the most part I was always Slytherin. Well I just took the two best sorting hat quizzes there are and both of them placed me in a house none of the others did. Though I was close in points to being a Ravenclaw on both, I ended up in Hufflepuff. It actually makes a lot more sense with my personality than Slytherin. Guess I know my true house now so I suppose it would be good to get the right robes. :)

Here's my results/a link from one of the quizzes.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


A post is long overdue I think. On July 25, Breanna and I had the wonderfully magical experience of witnessing ConTour in Boulder. Breanna's working on putting a video together to give our experience justice, so I won't give too much away so you can see it all for yourself. Suffice it to say it was loads of fun! And we got to meet everyone afterwards! Sweet!

Who was there? Jason Munday (Skyway Flyer), Luke Conard, Mike Lombardo, and Alex Carpenter. You should check out some of their music on the YouTubes, yo. Breanna got them all to sign her flip.

She was also brave enough to get them to say something on camera that we'll be using for She Likes Cloth. For more info, click here.

Breanna is participating in VEDA (vlog everyday in august). Again, for more info, click that link above. That could mean that she'll be abandoning this here blog for a month... How dare you?! Never fear! Danielle is here!

Oh, speaking of VEDA, do yourself a favor and introduce yourself to Giraffe's vlogs. You heard me right. Check it.

I love them both, but the second one is my favorite :)

Breanna and I have been working on more song ideas, and we'll be shooting a new video this weekend! So more of She Likes Cloth will be coming your way!

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