Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The video is LIVE (finally)

After much trouble with editing programs and audio troubles with the YouTube glitches, our Harry Potter video is finally up. Enjoy!

P.S. If the video keeps saying that it's unavailable (YouTube is having a lot of problems today) then just follow the link below the vid to our channel page. So far you can watch it just fine from there.
Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Beginning of the End

This is it folks. Tonight is the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. I am so excited! It's going to be amazing! I don't have any doubt. It's crazy that Harry Potter has been a part of my life for so long. It was weird when I finished the seventh book and realized that it really was the end. It's going to be weirder now I think. But all in all, I'd like to thank my friend Kathryn Anderson who introduced me to the series back in middle school. Only four books were out then. I jumped on the band wagon pretty quickly. It's still one of my favorite books/series of all time. I hope you all are doing fantastic things to get ready for the end! Bring tissues, friends, your various HP costumes and we'll have a grand ol' time. You should listen to our new song "End of Harry" in preparation. You can do so by picking it on the playlist on the right hand side of this here blog. Or you can just listen to all three of our nerdtastic songs which I also suggest :) I'll reiterate Breanna's pleading as well. We'd love to get footage from you. This is a big even for all of us! Please share your Harry Potter moments with us. And last but not least, perhaps you should have a final look at the trailer to get you even more giddy inside! Tonight is going to be crazy!

Love you, Harry Potter fans. It's a pleasure to be counted among you.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease enter a video!!!

Monday, July 11, 2011


So we just finished recording two new songs. These two are a little different however because we had to use karaoke tracks for two different reasons (one because we need to get the video done within a week or so as it's about the Harry Potter midnight showing and one because I can't find any sheet music for the song to work off of yet). I hope to get some music tracks recorded in the future for at least one of the songs (hopefully both) so we can make them available to buy/download at some point in the future. For now though, they are still completely awesome as the karaoke tracks themselves (the ones I found and bought on itunes) are very good. I can't wait for you guys to see the videos...they are going to be awesome! :D
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Beginning of an Adventure of Epic Proportions

First of all, happy 100th post. Say what? That's right.

Second of all, I hope you all enjoyed your fourth and still have all your limbs... Don't forget why we celebrate Independence Day (it has nothing to do with aliens...) I'm so grateful for all the men and women who sacrifice so much for our country.

Thirdly, tomorrow is a grand day indeed. Why is that you may ask? I'll tell you. Two friends who happen to be the writers of this blog will be reunited after not seeing each other in person for many moons, months, days, seconds, etc. Tomorrow Breanna will pick me up from the airport and our adventures of epic proportions will begin! At least until I start classes in a few days time...but that's all part of the adventure. Oh adventure, I hear you calling.

I've just got to finish packing (what I wouldn't give for a Mary Poppins/Hermoine Granger bag to stow away all my belongings!), get some rest, and wake up with the sun (except definitely not that early), catch a flight, and then only time will tell what will happen next.

Stay tuned for next week's episode.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Part Twain

Who would have thought I'd have another perfect picture of one of my silly animals. I didn't try for this one. It just happened. It's kind of disturbing really, but I had to share it. Everytime I see it I can't stop laughing. I took my dog on a hike today, and on the way home she was all tuckered out in the back seat. I thought she looked cute, so I tried to get a picture. She liked her lips just as my camera took the picture. This was the result.

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