Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Beginning of an Adventure of Epic Proportions

First of all, happy 100th post. Say what? That's right.

Second of all, I hope you all enjoyed your fourth and still have all your limbs... Don't forget why we celebrate Independence Day (it has nothing to do with aliens...) I'm so grateful for all the men and women who sacrifice so much for our country.

Thirdly, tomorrow is a grand day indeed. Why is that you may ask? I'll tell you. Two friends who happen to be the writers of this blog will be reunited after not seeing each other in person for many moons, months, days, seconds, etc. Tomorrow Breanna will pick me up from the airport and our adventures of epic proportions will begin! At least until I start classes in a few days time...but that's all part of the adventure. Oh adventure, I hear you calling.

I've just got to finish packing (what I wouldn't give for a Mary Poppins/Hermoine Granger bag to stow away all my belongings!), get some rest, and wake up with the sun (except definitely not that early), catch a flight, and then only time will tell what will happen next.

Stay tuned for next week's episode.


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