Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Guess what! It's Thanksgiving tomorrow! Huzzah! May you have wonderful times with family, friends, and food. Take some time to remember the things you're thankful for. A lot of times in life it's alot easier to see those things we're not so thankful for. Don't let them bring you down! You can always find some good. On Friday, you may officially start istening to Christmas songs :)
Wednesday, November 16, 2011 me goosebumps

I love that they keep including Rue's whistle at the end of the trailers, it gives me shivers. :D
Tuesday, November 15, 2011


So I haven't posted in a little bit. Well partially that is because I've been putting together some pretty sweet ornaments for my shop: but it's also because I have been busy with a brand new collab channel I am a part of on YouTube. There are 6 girls (including me) that are apart of this channel. Two of us are from the United States, one is from Australia, one is from Kent, one is from Denmark, and one is from Sweden. How cool is that?! Anyway you should check it out cause it's awesome. Love you bye! :)
Friday, November 4, 2011

My Friend the Library

I have been sitting in the library for approximately 3 1/2 hours. Today marked day three that my internet didn't want to work. Perhaps it's taken a holiday and forgot to mention it to anyone. Whatever the cause may be for his sudden disappearance, at day three I had to take matters into my own hands. I'm about ready to wrap things up though. I'm so ready for a change of scenery (i.e. the apartment I'm in practically all the time). What will I do when I get home? Probably today's worth of writing for NaNoWriMo. I'm determined to finish on time this year! Cross your fingers. It's when you get down to the very end that it gets harder to stay on top of things. Well, better start walking home. Thank you library for providing this service to me. I have a feeling we're going to be seeing a lot more of each other.

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