Thursday, March 1, 2012

Doctor Who Pees Chocolate

Breanna and Danielle have been watching far too much Doctor Who (IMPOSSIBLE!) and are way too bored (possible) and quite delirious (constant fact). The follow is a fantastic and modern script that looks into the very souls of humanity and brings with it...tears. Prepare for a journey that will take you on an emotional roller coaster!

Cast List:
Grunhilda: Danielle the brave
Bumblkins: Breanna the bumble

Grunhilda: Hey Maggot Face! You drank all of my hot chocolate. You know what that means. FIGHT TO THE DEATH!

Bumblkins: No no no. You can’t hayandle this. I’ll tell you what. I will buy you some more hot chocolate if you can guess my name.

Grunhulda: Don’t be the moldy chunk on a stump. I know what your name is!

B: Oh yeah?!?!?!?! Meh! Prove it!

G: I don’t gots to prove it!

B: If you wants your hot chocolament you best. Because we both know in a fight to the death my nunchuck skills can’t be beat!

G: Oh don’t be the last crumb in a box of all bran wheat flakes for kiddos! My psycho powers are far superior to yon nunchucks skills!


G: No. Yon. Like….yon.

B: Oh ok.

G: So are we going to do this or are you just a chicken with its head cut off?

B: Am I bovvered?

G: What the crap?

B: Look at my face. Am I bovvered? Chicken. Head. What. CRAP. I ain’t bovvered.

G: What are you talking about?!

B: I don’t know! I’m old!

G: No you’re not! You’re like 24!

B: I’m 905!

G: Are you the doctor?

B: No I don’t need a doctor!

G: No! You ninnymuggins! I said are you THE doctor?

B: First time as a woman but still not as a ginger!

G: Come again?

B: Did you know that victory is best naked?

G: Yes.

Awkward staring……

B: I’ve got to pee.

G: I didn’t know time lords had to pee.

B: What’s a time lord?

G: Never mind that! Can I please just kill you know.

B: Know? Don’t you mean now?

G: No. I mean Know!

B: I think your brain just processed a typo.

G: Where is this going?

B: Indeed we need some sort of plot device.

G: Now would be handy.

B: I know. We can jump into my blue police box and traverse the galaxy and various time periods.

G: Oh like a time lord!

B: What’s a time lord!!?

G: I think it’s about time we end this.

B: You’re right. It’s getting wibbly wobbly. And somewhat timey wimey.

G: I have no idea what you’re talking about.

B: Neither do I. I’m old!


B: I still have to pee. If I don’t go pee I won’t be able to get you more hot chocolate! My trip to the potty is a fixed point in time!

G:…I don’t want your potty chocolate!

B: Well you’re going to take it because I’m a time lord from Gallifrey.

G:…What’s a time lord?

And as the curtain closes, there's not a single dry eye in the audience. You never forget your first doctor...


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